I. Overview
It helps to select a color of preference and the color appears in Ticket Overview.
II. Supported versions
This Add On is supported by OTRS v5.x.x., v6.x.x.
III. Installation process
1. After logging in go to top bar and click on Admin to open the Admistration panel. Then go to System Administration section (bottom right side) and find Package Manager module.
2. Inside Package Manager module search for the "actions" window which you will find on the left side of the panel and click on "choose the file" button.
3. It will appear a new browser window which will allow you to choose the file you want to install. Then you should click "open".
4. Now you should click on "install package" button below the "file" button.
5. If all previous steps were done in the proper way the message about OTRS Group recommendation should appear, if so please click the "continue" button. It means that the new module has been successfully installed.
IV. User's Guide
Once you have successfully downloaded and installed the package you have to login as OTRS administrator. This is necesary to set up the User Color add-on.
1. After logging in go to Edit personal preferences (top left side).
2. Now in this new window please find on the bottom right side "user color" section
3. Once you are there click on "user color" texfield and choose the color you wish to set up as background under your username.
Now you have to clik on "update" button to save the changes
4. Now you would be able to see the changes in the following sections:
- Status View: Open tickets
- Ticket Information (Tickets-->Status view-->after selecting any ticket)